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Thread: Ive finally done it

  1. #1
    Baned User
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Ive finally done it

    Yes ive f**king finally done it, i told my girlfriend.Ive been with her about 4 months and ive never told her untill now.She came round after work with a bottle of vodka and we got smashed and started fuckin.I was that horney that the words just came out"will you fart on my face, i cant believe i said it.She said what did you say ,i said fart on my face,she said fuckin what and got up and just looked at me funny."Fart on your face thats what you want me to do" I said yeah it turns me on.Then she went dead quiet and started getting dressed,I said what are you doing.She said im just thinking then she said why have you never told me before,i said i didnt have the guts.Then about 10 minutes later came the best words i will proberly ever hear in my life.She said in an embarresed way okay i will do it.I thought to myself fucking yes this is it,She said but i cant just do it now i dont have gas.I said ok but please dont tell anyone,she said i promise.We just had normal sex and went to sleep but at about 3:30am she woke me up and said ive got one .Then she got up pulled her pink thong to one side ,pushed her big sexy bum rite in my face and did a big load fart rite in my mouth.oh my god it stank,it was different than i thouht it would be ,but then i didnt now what to expect. It was very strong it smelt like cabbage.She was wanking my cock while i was sniffing and licking her bumhole .Then i shot my fat everywhere.Isaid that was wicked and she said it actually felt quite nice it turned me on, I couldnt believe it .Iam one looky guy and She said tommorow night i will do it properly for you,and i cant wait,WAHOO!!!!. ::clap ::asshole

  2. #2
    Administrator Guzara's Avatar
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    Aug 2006
    Eastern Europe

    Que delicia

  3. #3
    Ditto! ::yikes ::finch

  4. #4
    ::thanx Great!! Tell more, how`s your next night gone? Sorry bad english.

  5. #5
    Congratulations bro, i am really chuffed 4 u!! I suppose if you have the guts to tell her then you deserve to reap the rewards!! I have not yet had the guts to tell my girlfriend - U have managed to do what I couldn't. Please, tell us what happened afterwards!

    Oh and congrats one more time i realise u must be the happiest guy right now!!


  6. #6
    Elite Member Rikod's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Great one. Have been there too. Told my wife about 3 years ago when we were half buzzed drinking one Friday evening and she said she was a lady and was not comfortable with the idea. About a week later she said she was okay with it because she was a perv too since she likes to be spanked. It took about a year for her to get fully comfortable with farting in my face but now I get hot face farts when the timing is right for her. I don't bug her too much but she knows I love them and gives them when she's comfortable.


    I worship my wife's sexy farting ass .......

  7. #7
    Elite Member jimmy79's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006


    man you are lucky id give anything to stick my face up a womans ass waiting 4 a fart ::bad

  8. #8
    haha! that's exactly how i went with my GF. it took about 3 months for me to spill it to her, but now she won't stop farting. she does it everywhere. on my face, my dong, my chest, my hand, and just about everywhere else you can think of. and yeah it turns her on to see me turned on when she does it. it couldn't get much better than that. except for now she poops in front of me and does other gross sexually explicit things in my presence which is effing bliss. just the night before last she and i were at a bar/dance club, and she had gas while we were there. HOLY S@#T it was hot to see her dancing and shakin her thing and then she would grind her booty on my thang and let them them rip it drove me insane. she's been doin this for like 5 months now and i can harldy picture how it was before. come to think of it she farted in my face last night and this morning too. i am and have been addictied to this girl, she is soooo amazing both sexually and emotionally yall have no idea. except for the guy that started this thread. and hey it just gets better from this point on i guarantee it!!!!
    p.s. congrats man on finding what you've almost certainly always been looking for!!!!

  9. #9
    ^^^^ ::yikes

  10. #10
    Elite Member Vector's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    RE: Ive finally done it

    For all of you who don't have the "balls" to tell their woman about their fetish... please, grow some friggin balls and stop being such a wuss bag. If this is your fetish, and what you crave from a woman, then tell her, so she can make your fantasies come true. I spoke to fart fetishist "Breeze" (from copro's old forum) many years back and he really shined light on this topic. He told me that he tells every girl he gets involved with about his fetish, and if they can't/won't do it for him he just moves on to the next woman. Think about it. If your woman dissagrees to satisfying your desire's, THEN SHE'S NOT FOR YOU!!!!

    I've been with my new girlfriend for over a year now. I told her about my fetish within the first 2 weeks. At first she thought it was "nasty" and told me how she never farted in front of a man before. I told her that I would get her to fart in front of me and she was like "noooo." It took her a few months before she could start farting for me, and I've been getting farts from her every since! Some of them smell good, some smell bad. Grant it, she's no where's near as gassy as my ex-girlfriend was, and her farts don't smell nearly as "heaven scented" as my ex-girlfriends, yet I am happy at the fact that my woman will do anything to please me, b/c that's what a true woman does. She pleases her man, because she knows that if she won't satisfy her man, we'll find it elsewhere!!!

    I'm glad I could share this info with you guys.

    Real women produce Bubbly and Gulpy farts!

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