Quote Originally Posted by BearMan01 View Post
See, I genuinely enjoy stuff like this. I know it's a terrible movie, sound effects, etc. But it's an attractive woman acting nonchalantly about farting loudly. Same with the Bud Light "Lighting" commercial, Carmen Electra in Scary Movie, and the hot blonde farting in the pool in Trina's B R Right video. Yes, we'd all love real genuine flatulence, but an attractive woman doing "gross out" humor in a movie or tv show works just as well for me. I know a few others feel the same way on here. So I will say, great find. I love seeing clips like this. Thank you.
100% THIS. I especially appreciate the hot blonde in Trina's BR Right music video. Have to admit, it was real difficult finding the source for that. Speaking of which, does anyone know the name of that woman?

By the way, quick shout-out to 2 fart-related deaths seen in Spike TV's 1000 Ways To Die. Specifically, the Japanese stripper who lets out a massive fart during a physical exam (due to her eating a chili dog the night before her operation) and the sorority pledge who gases out her fellow pledges by eating a week's worth of beans and broccoli.